I have just obtained a copy of the original score to Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight which opens in theatres July 18th. I have been waiting for this film all of my life, in one way or another. The early reviews of the film itself have compared it with "The Godfather, Part II" and other such highly regarded films. The Oscar buzz surrounding the late great Heath Ledger is massive, and began well prior to his untimely demise earlier this year. The film, from everything I have heard, read, seen, experienced, and been privy to, is surely to be an epic unlike anything we have seen before. I believe it will redefine the "comicbook" film from what it has been, to what it will be in it's wake. Serious drama, serious actors, and serious story-telling will take the place of the more "comic" aspects of things. I am dyeing of anticipation to see it at 12:01 AM on Friday the 18th of this month. All of this said, to be able to hear the musical counterpart to the film now, two weeks prior, is a privilege. A privilege I am pleased to share with all of you.
A friend of mine wrote his detailed review of the scores tracks, and I can not improve upon such, so I will simply share it with you as a commentary to accompany it. It has been included in the ZIP file archive as an RTF (text) file. I urge you to read it.
UPDATE: OK folks, third times a charm! The first copy I uploaded was lower-than-I-like quality, and corrupted the final track at 6 minutes. The second copy had better quality, but the final track was corrupt once more, this time at 12 minutes. Well hot off of a torrent, I've acquired a full and functional copy for you all. So... again... enjoy.

Why So Serious? (9:14)
I'm Not a Hero (6:35)
Harvey Two-Face (6:17)
Aggresive Expansion (4:36)
Always a Catch (1:40)
Blood on My Hands (2:17)
A Little Push (2:43)
Like a Dog Chasing Cars (5:03)
I Am The Batman (2:00)
And I Thought My Jokes Where Bad (2:29)
Agent of Chaos (6:55)
Introduce a Little Anarchy (3:43)
Watch the World Burn (3:48)
A Dark Knight (16:15)