Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Star Trek (2009) - Original Motion Picture Score

I'm not sure what to say about this yet, as I've not even finished listening to it myself, and I've not seen the film. I know I like it, but I'm not sure on what level I like it, yet. As a Star Trek music conosieur, this is a brave new world. It's the first time in decades that a familiar composer has not been behind the music. I knew Jerry Goldsmith, I know his contemporaries, and I know what they do musically. It's familiar. This isn't. Michael Gianchino, I have very little to base an opinion off of.

Judge for yourself folks, just like with the coming film itself...


Anonymous said...

thanx... when it heardit for the first time i was really a disappointment and not impressive. I'd prefer Mike Verta's version. Maybe because I'm not a fan of Giacchino's work. But I had to play it at random for several hours...on and on and on. Not the best score for a trek movie, not even for a big budget movie but somehow... i like it. Giacchino's main theme sounds like a minimalistic variation of the classic courage fanfare. Unfortunately the cd is a bit short in lenght.

Frontier said...

I think I agree. I hear a bit too much of "Lost" in this. It's good, but it's not great, and it's far from Trek greatness.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, totally appreciate the upload.

Kurtis Findlay said...

Listening on its own was not that great, but the score works wonders in the context of the film. I loved it.

I'm also a big fan of Giacchino's Incredibles score.

Estoye said...

I think it's fantastic, literally.

Rousing, bombastic, cinematic with a wonderful new musical cue that nods to voyages and adventure.